Thursday, May 28, 2015

Yesterday, on the 27th, we started off the day with a reading titled “Take a Closer Look” by Tom Brown Jr. Once we read it, we discussed it and along with it came an adapted from the reading. The activity we had to do was to literally take a closer look into a square foot spot of our choice in a natural setting. The activity was called “Small World”. Taking a closer look into our small world of nature included recording detailed observations from two different perspectives. One perspective was from a standing position and the other was from a kneeling position. We also were encouraged to lie all the way down on our stomachs and appreciate the area from that perspective, but recording an analysis was not required. What I had recorded of my small world from the standing perspective was a patch of land with the upper right corner bordered by two rocks. The patch of land consisted of grass, clovers, and a few white wild flowers strewn about the area. From a kneeling perspective I definitely could see a bit more details I had not noticed from a standing position. I noticed small pieces of broken off bark, some blades of dead, yellowed grass, and I noticed minuscule holes bitten into the leaves of some of the clovers. Where we had gone to make this observations was Delco Park, which we all had traveled to on foot. Below is a photograph taken by a few of my friends and myself enjoying our time at Delco Park on such a lovely day.

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